CARA Membership
Become a CARA Member - or renew your Membership subscription
Be a CARA Member for just £10 a year and help support our objectives
- the more members we have the louder our voice when dealing with the council and other organisations.
- subscriptions help us keep members and residents in the area informed on local matters.
By joining CARA you are confirming that you support CARA's aims and objectives.
Membership subscriptions run from September 1st to August 31st.
From 1st September 2024 the annual subscription is £10 a year.
To join/renew membership........
Pay your subscription by Standing Order, please click here (NB Standing orders simplify our administration)
Pay your subscription by Cheque or Cash, please use this form
CARA membership, at August 2024 : 229
There is a CARA member resident in a quarter of properties in the CARA Area. 6% of members live outside the CARA Area. CARA is administered by volunteers. We will process your Membership as quickly as we can. New Members should receive a response, at the email or address you give, in less than 28 days from when we receive your application.